If LetsEncrypt works well, it could make SSL ubiquitous (and easy):
Anyone who has gone through the trouble of setting up a secure website knows what a hassle getting a certificate can be. Let’s Encrypt automates away all this pain and lets site operators turn on HTTPS with a single click or shell command.
When Let’s Encrypt launches in Summer 2015, enabling HTTPS for your site will be as easy as installing a small piece of certificate management software on the server:
$ sudo apt-get install lets-encrypt
$ lets-encrypt example.com
That’s all there is to it! https://example.com is immediately live.
The Let’s Encrypt management software will:
Automatically prove to the Let’s Encrypt CA that you control the website
Obtain a browser-trusted certificate and set it up on your web server
Keep track of when your certificate is going to expire, and automatically renew it
Help you revoke the certificate if that ever becomes necessary.
No validation emails, no complicated configuration editing, no expired certificates breaking your website. And of course, because Let’s Encrypt provides certificates for free, no need to arrange payment.